Someone once said that to move on after a divorce takes half the time you spent together. So, if you were in a one-year marriage, it’s okay if you take six months to wallow and reminisce. Yet, that can be much harder to apply to divorce. The waiting period for getting over a marriage that…
Category: Self-Improvement
Building Your Child’s Self-Esteem
As parents, we’re always looking for ways to make our kids happier, healthier, and more successful. Yet, few of us know exactly how to do that. Beyond showering them with compliments and positive affirmations all day long, we’re pretty lost. According to experts, what we should be doing instead is teaching them how to be…
What’s Wrong With Imperfection, Anyway?
How To Grow Your Self-Confidence
Embarking on a journey to achieving self-confidence, is one that offers the promise of personal growth and empowerment. In a world where self-assurance can unlock countless opportunities and enrich life in many ways, understanding how to nurture and strengthen self-confidence is very important. By learning and taking action on strategies, practical tips, and insightful reflections,…