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5 Ways To Heal Your Emotional Health

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Psychotherapist Eric R. Maisel Ph.D. suggests that emotional distress can manifest itself in a number of ways. These can include sadness, anxiety, addiction, and unproductive obsessions. Essentially, when we suffer from poor emotional health, we are opened up to some of the most negative emotions. (

 According to mental health expert Matt Johnson Ph.D. our internal monologue has a big impact on how we view ourselves. The way we think dictates our emotions towards ourselves and can have a deep impact on the health of our emotional state. It is therefore vital we find ways to maintain and create a solid level of emotional health. ( 

1. Be The Authentic You

Psychologist Stephen Joseph Ph.D. suggests that personal authenticity leads to improved happiness. Dr. Joseph mentions a study from Tel Aviv University in which two groups of students were tested.

One group was asked to recall a point in their lives where they felt their most authentic. The other group was asked to remember a time when they felt unauthentic. Each group was asked to describe these moments in their lives before taking a test with happiness related questions. The students who relived an authentic moment indicated a higher level of happiness than the inauthentic test group. (

It is key to try and live your life as authentically to your beliefs, opinions, and boundaries as possible. Your emotional health is boosted by knowing that you are following your own principles. When we try to live a lie then our emotions are not authentic either. 

2. Love Yourself

Social responsibility expert Beverly D. Flaxington suggests that having our happiness dependent on the way others feel about us is not the healthiest outlook. It obviously feels great when people love us or revere us but we have no control over the sustainability of that. It is therefore important that we seek love from the one source we do control, ourselves. (

The ability to love ourselves is so vital to our emotional stability. When we love ourselves, we can forgive ourselves. Self love inspires happiness and contentment as well as boosting our confidence. So, nurture those positive emotions by investing time in loving yourself. This will help heal your damaged emotional health from within.

3. Gain Control of Your Thoughts

The Mayo Clinic claims that choosing a positive thinking attitude over a negative one is very beneficial to you in many ways. Negative thoughts are so easy to fall into while positivity does take work but it is a worthwhile exercise. According to the Mayo Clinic practicing positive thinking can decrease depression, stress, and improve our coping mechanisms. These will all contribute to the healing of our emotional health. ( 

4. Let Go of the Past

Psychologist Abigail Brenner M.D. suggests that sometimes we can get stuck in the past to the extent that we cannot move forward in our lives. This is not a good state to be in especially if the past we are dwelling on causes a negative impact on our emotional health. (

It is important to be able to let go of the negativity in our past and place more of our focus on the now and our futures. We need to build a positive view of our lives moving forward that is not dependent on the past. 

5. Take Action Instead Of Pausing For Thought

If we get caught up in our negative emotions we dwell and our emotional health suffers. If for instance you are having a sad day and you would rather that not be the case, give yourself a task. If there’s no reason to be sad, work on something important instead to build a sense of achievement and more positive emotions.

To Your Success,


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